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New capital preservation offer

With less than 3 months remaining until the end of the golden visa program in Porto, Zelije is putting its best offer to date on the table.

Over the last couple of months there has been a common theme across our conversations with investors - capital preservation. In general, investors seem concerned that given how prices have constantly increased over the last couple of years, paired with uncertainty about the short-term rental market due to the pandemic, that there will be a market correction once the program finishes. In essence they are concerned about buying on a peak.

Our best advice, which has also always been our approach, is to valuate based on current rental income. While we believe price will keep increasing, - after all the golden visa investments make for a very small percentage of overall real-estate transactions, we definitely never bank on it.

As we appreciate that investors might have not the same experience and viewpoint, we decided to sweeten our offering by creating the most attractive deal from a capital preservation standpoint.

At 365k euros the buyer will be getting get a 2-bedroom apartment and a studio in the same building, fully renovated. This is a 45K euros discount, leading to our lowest price per square meter to date, in exchange for a 4year free of charge lease agreement to Zelije.

The other benefit of this approach is the tax optimization, since the investor will pay less IMT (8% purchase tax), less IMI (0.045% annual tax on property) and no rent tax (annual 28% on rent gains). All-in-one its around 18K euros of tax savings.

For more detail on this deal and similar ones download our investor deck our contact us directly.

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